Find Your Adventure while in the Virgin Islands.
USVI Holidays
JANUARY 1 - New Year's Day
JANUARY 6 - Three King's Day**
- Martin Luther King's Birthday**
- Presidents Day**
MARCH 31 - Transfer Day**
APRIL 20 - Holy Thursday**
APRIL 21 - Good Friday
APRIL 23 - Easter
APRIL 24 - Easter Monday**
MAY 5 - Children's Parade
MAY 6 - Adults Parade
- Memorial Day
- Organic Act Day**
JULY 3 - V.l. Emancipation Day/
Danish West Indies Emancipation**
JULY 4 - Independence Day
- Hurricane Supplication Day**
- Labor Day
- Columbus Day & Puerto Rico
Friendship Day**
- Hurricane Thanksgiving Day
NOVEMBER 1 - Liberty Day**
NOVEMBER 11 - Veterans Day
- Thanksgiving Day
DECEMBER 25 - Christmas Day
- Christmas Second Day or Boxing Day**
St. John Festival: June - July 4.
The St John Festival is over a month of celebration on the island of St John, in the US Virgin Islands. The activities start in the beginning of June and culminate with concerts, a dance party, a parade, and fireworks on July 4th.
St. John Carnival originates in the colonial times when the plantation owners attempted to appease the slaves and encourage them to work harder. Officially first celebrated in 1928 it was scheduled to include Easter and Christmas. Costumes, music and dance were integral of the celebrations. Now starting with the Organic Act Day (3rd Monday of June) it includes Emancipation Day on the 3rd of July and culminates on July 4th with the celebration of Cultural day. An ongoing celebration of the emancipation of the slaves by the Danes in 1848. The colorful costumes, calypso music, and dancing parades and antics of the Mocko Jumbi stilt dancers are highlighted with fireworks.
VI Carnival: April-May
St. Thomas's Carnival. Featuring Pageantry, Cultural Night, children's activities, and much more entertainment. A very popular family oriented event during the Virgin Islands Carnival celebration is Cultural Night, which is held at the Lionel Roberts Stadium.
This free event is enjoyed by all ages and sectors of the community. Schools, organizations, groups, troupes and individuals perform on stage displaying various aspects of Virgin Islands tradition and culture. If you are a lover of tradition and culture, or if you are a visitor and wish to learn about this aspect of the Virgin Islands, then this is the night for you.
Entertainment includes Quadrille Dancers, Maypole Dancers, the Tropical Masqueraders, the Traditional Indians, the Zulus and fire baton twirlers. Visitors and residents get an insight into the past, present and future of Virgin Islands culture and some mainstays of Carnival. Milo’s Kings, a band that is always associated with traditional and cultural music, provides the musical entertainment ranging from quelbe to calypso.
Love City Live!
As the ultimate winter getaway, Love City Live! gains its major momentum from the high-energy Main Event Concert. The Concert is only part of the full Love City Live! experience including boat excursions, beach & outdoor parties, liming (island-style hangout), duty-free shopping, savoring authentic cuisine, dancing and simply relaxing while taking in local beauty and culture. Join us and Indulge!
Skinny Legs:
The Pitch 'n Bitch, Kentucky Derby (May),
Wagapalooza (June) A dog event that takes place at Skinnies each year in the month of May or June to raise funds for the St. John Animal Shelter.

8 Tuff Miles
This is a foot race from Cruz Bay to Coral Bay via Centerline Road that has been held on the last Saturday of February since 1997. All are welcome to participate in the even and volunteers are always needed. 340-779-4035. Registration for state side entries is limited and begins on Oct.1st with Once registered there are no refunds. Local registration begins on Dec.1st with and walk ins at the Caribbean Surf Company Stores or the Tap Room at Mongoose Jct.
Jazz in the Moonlight:
Winter season at the Westin Resort. Adults $10.00 each, children under 18 free.
Epiphany Theater Company:
Totally volunteer, not-for-profit company. 776-6744,
Annual St. John Arts Festival: February
A celebration of art & culture. Free lunch and dinner time concerts in Cruz Bay park and special presentations at St. John School of the Arts. Also daily food fairs and craft displays. The varied island music includes scratch bands, reggae, school marching bands and church choirs. The Artists' Association of St. John holds an exhibit in tandem, and local artists display their works around town at the various galleries. The Epiphany players, St. John's community theater group put on special presentations. This 11 day art-fest raises funds for art scholarships for the community youth. For further information contact: Frank Langley: (340) 779-4038, president of the all volunteer not for profit organization, the St. John Arts Festival Inc.
Miss Lucy's:
Full moon parties each month in season. Pig roast, local vegetables, great music & dancing. Jazz Brunch each Sunday in season.